
Mount Meru

Mount Meru 3 Days 1-15 People also for Beginners Discover Meru’s impressive horseshoe crater Mount Meru is located within the Arusha National Park (Only 75km away from Moshi), and is often referred to as “Kilimanjaro’s little brother”. It is Tanzania’s … Read More

6 Days Kilimanjaro Umbwe Route

Kilimanjaro Umbwe Route 6 Days 1-15 People For experienced hikers Ready to be challenged? This route is the perfect route for the experienced high altitude climber, offering amazing views, an uncrowded route, and a life-changing challenge. This route will not … Read More

7 Days Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route

Kilimanjaro Lemosho Route 7 Days 1-15 People For intermediate hikers Enjoy the mountain’s tranquility This route is a favorite of both hikers and guides. It is the longest, but also one of the least busy routes up the mountain. The … Read More

6 Days Kilimanjaro Machame Route

Kilimanjaro Machame Route 6 Days 1-15 People also for Beginners Discover Kilimanjaro’s volcanic history Let’s go on a breath-taking tour conquer Africa’s highest mountain, the Kibo! The Machame Route is the most successful route to climb Mount Kilimanjaro due to … Read More

6 Days Kilimanjaro Marangu Route

6 Days Marangu Route 6 Days 1-20 People also for Beginners Experience the Trip of your Life This beautiful route is the oldest and most established route to hike up Kilimanjaro. The advantages of this route are the accommodation in … Read More